The registration for the ERA CoBioTech status seminar and exchange day is now open!
Venue: The International Auditorium (conference room “Auditorium”), International Trade Union House, Boulevard du Roi Albert II, No. 5 / 2 , B-1210 Brussels
The BioTech Research & Innovation Hack 2017 is status seminar and exchange day of projects funded within ERA-IB-2, ERASysAPP, ERA SynBio and ERA-NET Bioenergy and will bring together 53 research projects and stakeholders from academia and industry, funding organizations, decision makers and general public. This event will provide an opportunity to discuss the achievement of the transnational ERA-NET projects, to network with excellent professionals in the area of industrial biotechnology, systems and synthetic biology etc. and to spark novel interdisciplinary research collaborations!
The participation at this event is free of charge but registration is required!
See below the preliminary meeting agenda and follow the link below to register!
Agenda BioTech Research & Innovation Hack 2017 (PDF)