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ERA CoBioTech Video contest pre-announcement

ERA CoBioTech Video contest pre-announcement
©alesmunt -

At the beginning of December 2021, the ERA CoBioTech is going to launch a video contest that will actively involve researchers and the wider community in effective communication and award 6 cash prizes to the best videos.

The contest is supposed to activate 2 groups of applicants:

  • 1st group - researchers participating in research projects, funded under all three of the ERA CoBioTech joint transnational calls to present scientific content of their research understandable to the general public.
  • 2nd group: high school and university students (14 – 25 years), who should present in their videos the visibility/recognition of the presence of biotechnology in the areas of everyday life.

Pre-announcement [PDF, 300.8 KB, not barrierefree]